Extra, extra... read all about it!

'Some Explicit Polaroids' is taking over my life. I haven't enjoyed taking part so much in a production for years. Playing Nadia is a joy and the rest of the cast just rocks! Not to mention the producer and director. We had our first night last Friday, which went ok, but first nights are always a bit 'sticky' as Chris Gatt would say. Butat least we didn't fall flat on our faces hehehe and we went off to Paceville after the show to celebrate (yes, I went to Paceville... till 4 am. Most of my friends reading this have now fainted as they know I detest the place. I even went to Havana and danced! Woohoo! Parteeeeeeee!)
Saturday, I felt we did better. Sunday's performance was amazing. It just felt right. It felt so natural and we got an applause after practically every scene. And despite me tripping down the stairs on my way to the stage for my first entrance and making a big mistake in the last scene (which, thank goodness I managed to rectify without too many people noticing, I hope!), it was probably the best performance I've taken part in ever. Big statement I know. But that's how it felt. Maybe a close second would be when I played Maria in 'West Side Story'.
Anyway, we have another weekend starting today and have added a third next week. I think this weekend is full but if you want to come and watch it during the extra weekend, call St James on 21223200.
At 9:03 PM,
Giselle said…
Of course Sunday was the best day... *I* was there ;)
At 11:14 AM,
Hsejjes said…
Read review on Times today. Nadia?? U played Nadia??? But Nadia is only ONE!!!lol
At 2:28 PM,
princess buttercup said…
Hehehe, yes i know there is only one real Nadia... I am the pale imitation! Re: Sunday, vera G... mela come again!
At 9:26 AM,
Anonymous said…
Heard you're feeling poorly pupa. Hope you get well soon. x
At 2:41 PM,
princess buttercup said…
Yeah, we've had to cancel the 3rd weekend... i'll let you all know when i'm better!
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