Here Comes the Sun tra la la la!
Yay... finally, I can look outside and see the sun! What joy it was yesterday, to go out for work (yes, I work on Saturday mornings) at 8.30 am, for once, not in a soul-less, unfriendly darkess tinged with grey skies and dark clouds!
I really, really don't like winter and just cannot understand people here who say they love it. I mean, what's to love? First and foremost, it's cold. Yes, I know that it is way colder in many other European countries at the moment... but at least, there, the houses are adequately heated. Here, in our damp, occasionally open-plan houses, a gas heater is seriously inadequate; an electric heater generates a lovely long electricity bill; not all of us are lucky to have a fireplace; and potez heating - while great - is prohibitively expensive for most of us. I seem to spend most of the evenings I spend at home complaining that it is colder inside than out, huddled in front of the gas heater in my dressing gown with the cats on my lap for added body heat!
Then, there is the rain. When it rains, the whole island stops, with cars stalling and roads falling (to bits) and you have to leave home at least half an hour earlier to ensure arriving at your destination on time because of all the cars which litter the road - either because they skid and crash into each other, into crumbling walls etc, or because they cease to work after ploughing into water-covered potholes the size of Manhattan. You know the ones I mean. yes, as soon as there is a few inches of rain, numerous streets and houses get flooded and reminiscent of Venice on a bad day.
But it's not only the rain and the cold which gets me down... grey/dark skies get me down the most! My hubby is convinced that I have SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) because I get progressively more withdrawn and unhappy as the days get shorter and darker... and more and more happy as they get longer and sunnier. He might be right! I don't think I'd survive for very long living in the UK, for example (although I love the country), coz I can't imagine weeks, or even months, of continuous grey skies.
Apart from rejoicing at the weather, there's not much to report on my side... oh, I did watch a fantastic performance of the MADC's 'Someone Who'll Watch over Me' at St James last week and if you haven't watched it, do get tickets for one of the extra performances next weeked. It's rather heavy but has it's humorous moments and it is very well acted and directed.
Also, I got a surprise sms from Sha on Thursday saying 'Guess who came to Malta on a whim?!', which resulted in a lovely long chat with her over a yummy hot chocolate on Friday, as well as a hilarious incident involving a pair of shoes which Sha has promised to blog about herself!
I really, really don't like winter and just cannot understand people here who say they love it. I mean, what's to love? First and foremost, it's cold. Yes, I know that it is way colder in many other European countries at the moment... but at least, there, the houses are adequately heated. Here, in our damp, occasionally open-plan houses, a gas heater is seriously inadequate; an electric heater generates a lovely long electricity bill; not all of us are lucky to have a fireplace; and potez heating - while great - is prohibitively expensive for most of us. I seem to spend most of the evenings I spend at home complaining that it is colder inside than out, huddled in front of the gas heater in my dressing gown with the cats on my lap for added body heat!
Then, there is the rain. When it rains, the whole island stops, with cars stalling and roads falling (to bits) and you have to leave home at least half an hour earlier to ensure arriving at your destination on time because of all the cars which litter the road - either because they skid and crash into each other, into crumbling walls etc, or because they cease to work after ploughing into water-covered potholes the size of Manhattan. You know the ones I mean. yes, as soon as there is a few inches of rain, numerous streets and houses get flooded and reminiscent of Venice on a bad day.
But it's not only the rain and the cold which gets me down... grey/dark skies get me down the most! My hubby is convinced that I have SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) because I get progressively more withdrawn and unhappy as the days get shorter and darker... and more and more happy as they get longer and sunnier. He might be right! I don't think I'd survive for very long living in the UK, for example (although I love the country), coz I can't imagine weeks, or even months, of continuous grey skies.
Apart from rejoicing at the weather, there's not much to report on my side... oh, I did watch a fantastic performance of the MADC's 'Someone Who'll Watch over Me' at St James last week and if you haven't watched it, do get tickets for one of the extra performances next weeked. It's rather heavy but has it's humorous moments and it is very well acted and directed.
Also, I got a surprise sms from Sha on Thursday saying 'Guess who came to Malta on a whim?!', which resulted in a lovely long chat with her over a yummy hot chocolate on Friday, as well as a hilarious incident involving a pair of shoes which Sha has promised to blog about herself!
Anyway, I've just realised it's nearly 1 pm and I'm STARVING (as usual)! Off I go...
At 4:54 PM,
Giselle said…
I'm going to watch the play tonight. Am looking forward to it as I've only heard good things about it :)
At 8:59 PM,
Kenneth said…
Hmm, another SAD sufferer... there are still 4 months to go for summer :(
At 11:26 PM,
MaltaGirl said…
G, you were there tonight? Agrh, must have missed you!
Reesa, I prefer winter to summer - because I hate the summer heat more than I hate the winter cold! At least in winter I can bundle up to stay warm (fleece! fleece!), but there's not much I can do in summer.
At 8:41 AM,
Hsejjes said…
Summer is lovely if you are fortunate enough to live in a seaside resort. Give me winter any time. Share we share a fleece, Maltagirl?? tee hee....
At 9:01 AM,
princess buttercup said…
I suppose I am one of those lucky people who doesn't feel as hot as others during the summer months. In fact, I'm that person you see wearing a sweater in September when everyone else is still swimming!
The downside is that I never manage to feel warm enough in winter - fleece or no fleece! The cold gets into my very bones, it seems. Where's Pea... she back me up on this! At least, I have Kenneth to commiserate with me!
PS: G and Maltagirl, did you enjoy it?!
At 11:00 AM,
Anonymous said…
ooooooh reeese ... i back you up 1 million percent being possibly the only person who feels colder than you !!! my teeth chatter for at least 7 months of the year and people ask RATHER BLOODY POINTLESSLY "are you cold?" "is it august?" is my reply. cos if it's not - then i'm COLD!!!
so yes, winter BOO!!!
At 6:05 PM,
nurse pica said…
i like all seasons really as each one brings about something i look forward to...i love listening to a thunderstorm in bed at night in winter...i love waking up early and watching the sunrise in summer.
however, i do hate it that the whole country stops if it rains! grrr!
At 12:10 PM,
Giselle said…
It was fantastic! The talent is amazing!
M-Girl: I didn't see you either! How weird. It's not THAT big a place!
Reesa, you sent the sun away do you realise?! I'd rather have summer than winter any day.
At 2:24 PM,
princess buttercup said…
No no... promise I didn't make the sun go away - come baaaaaack!!! And I wish I liked thunderstorms... but the truth is that the noise keeps me awake (like the wind last night - grrrrrrrr!)
At 10:46 AM,
Coemgen said…
If you're that good at sending the sun away Rees, then we should do business in summer!
I love rain!
At 11:03 AM,
princess buttercup said…
Boooooooo Coemgen... mela I'll contact you the next time it rains (probably today - booooo again!) and you can help me mop up the water that xcomes though my front dorr and living room windows every time it rains a bit heavily! Hehehe!
At 12:53 PM,
Coemgen said…
Tell you what, I'll come over and whilst you mop the water up, I'll seal your windows and doors and whatever with some good sealer! :))
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