Did the earth move for you too?
So there I was a couple of hours ago, at home alone, dozing in bed - yes, yet again I am sick, this time really horribly sick , with the snot and the cough and the fever oh joy - with the cats on my lap when suddenly, the mirror in my bedroom began to shake uncontrollably, making this awful noise against the wall (it's a wrought iron one - the mirror, not the wall hehe).
I thought at first that some monster truck had passed in front of my house or something. But then, the mirror started literally banging and bouncing against the wall. The cats leapt up and looked at me with fear in their eyes (OK, that's what it seemed like, anyway!).
And then the ground shook, together with my bed, with me in it. Now I knew it wasn't a truck!
I leapt out of bed and looked out of the window, but everything seemed to be OK outside. Please note that the ground was still shaking. Just as I was debating whether to go an shelter under the door lintel, as you're supposed to do, the tremors stopped.
Two minutes later, Sky News reported that there was a large eathquake in Athens. Wow, it must have been pretty large to be felt over here! I must admit that while it was going on I did have a stab of fear - not to the extent of my life flashing by my eyes or anything like that... but I did wonder if I should run out into street in my pj's (and possibly catch pneumonia)! Thank goodness, no-one seems to have been badly hurt in Greece.
I thought at first that some monster truck had passed in front of my house or something. But then, the mirror started literally banging and bouncing against the wall. The cats leapt up and looked at me with fear in their eyes (OK, that's what it seemed like, anyway!).
And then the ground shook, together with my bed, with me in it. Now I knew it wasn't a truck!
I leapt out of bed and looked out of the window, but everything seemed to be OK outside. Please note that the ground was still shaking. Just as I was debating whether to go an shelter under the door lintel, as you're supposed to do, the tremors stopped.
Two minutes later, Sky News reported that there was a large eathquake in Athens. Wow, it must have been pretty large to be felt over here! I must admit that while it was going on I did have a stab of fear - not to the extent of my life flashing by my eyes or anything like that... but I did wonder if I should run out into street in my pj's (and possibly catch pneumonia)! Thank goodness, no-one seems to have been badly hurt in Greece.
At 6:15 PM,
noel tanti said…
yep, it did move... which was weird as i spent the whole morning on a diet of coffee-wine-cigarettes-coffee-wine-cigarettes as i'm feeling terribly cold, and then i saw my pc monitor moving and heard my cds rattling... first i thought it was the wine, then yet another fireworks factory that blew up...
At 7:21 PM,
PeachBellini said…
Last time I felt a tremor I was badly hungover so didn't think too much of it - until my mother came into my room screaming about some "terremot, Marija Santa zomm idejk fuqna". My reply was "uhh ok can you close the door on your way out?". Not even a tremor will cure a hangover!
Btw Nigredo we seem to share a similar diet.
At 8:19 PM,
princess buttercup said…
Heh! Now you've reminded me - the last time I felt a tremor, it WAS a fireworks factory blowing up! PS: your 'diet' sound better than mine - i.e. soup and panadols. I wish they sold health in bottles...
At 9:21 AM,
Hsejjes said…
The last time the earth moved for me was many moons ago...(and I am not refering to any earthquake or firworks factory explosion...)lols
At 11:11 AM,
princess buttercup said…
Hee Hsejjes!
At 11:23 AM,
Anonymous said…
I believe that I was driving to my mum's house in Siggiewi at the time (free lunch and you don't have to do the dishes). At precisely 12:37 my wife and I suddenly felt... nothing... and promptly kept on with our conversation which I believe was either about pornography or left-over cabbage. As far as earthqakes go then - I feel that this one must be labelled under the 'half-arsed' category since my car tyres insulated it and the road was ominously bereft of any giant fissures that I would have striven most diligently to avoid.
Thanks muchly for the Weekender article pupa - it was great. Also well done for the blogs - I enjoyed reading the last few.
Anyway, best stop killing time and get back to my writing. Today I must finish off an advert for an old people's home and a documentary on Bormla. Yay for me!
At 12:27 PM,
PeachBellini said…
Reesa: When we lived in Iklin we heard a fair few fireworks explosions. Not that moving to Swatar helped, we still heard the latest and greatest one in the Lija area. Or rather, we all heard it, but Beloved slept like a baby. That boy could sleep through a world war!
Hsejjes: oooooooooh *goggle eyed* ;-)
At 1:14 PM,
princess buttercup said…
hehe athena, my hubby is the same - he'd sleep through any noice, wheil i'm the lightest sleeper i know!
hey mal - nice to hear from you! glad you enjoyed the article and good luck with the ads. uuuu, and start a blog coz i'm sure it would be brilliant!
At 7:17 PM,
Coemgen said…
Apparently it was also felt in Italy and Egypt.
I was doing a sort of plumbing job when it happened and thought I had applied too much strength to the wrench!! *sigh*
My mother was starting to panic when she noticed the sliding panes of my showcase were moving but there was no air current ..........then it stopped. Fortunately she did not drag me outside:)
Get well soon Rees
At 7:30 PM,
princess buttercup said…
hehehe and thanks caoimhin! i'm feeling slightly better than this morning but now have lost my voice!
At 8:29 PM,
Kenneth said…
What earthquake?
(I was still sleeping)
At 10:46 PM,
princess buttercup said…
Well it WAS only 12.30 pm or so hehehe! Actually, funnily enough apparently my brother was still sleeping and the rumble woke him up!
At 8:36 AM,
Coemgen said…
Reesa, that happens on your way to recovery, unfortunately!
Kenneth - ghazzien! (avolja nghir ghalik ghax insejt kemm ili ma norqod sa nofsinhar!)
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