Merry Christmas and all that
Hope you had a great Xmas Eve (we spent it watching 'The Office' DVD's - classic! - with Witchie, Queen Pea & Consort) and munching on nachos and choccies. And here's to a really merry Christmas full of good food (yeah, I like eating!), company & cheer!
At 4:35 PM,
sharonspiteri said…
Sweetie, that was only my first stop of the night! I went to three house parties after yours and ended up in a house in Mosta for breakfast... I didn't really know the host but a bunch of people from the previous party dragged me over and by that point, I was beyond resistance... I had a fab time and managed to spend it with all my friends!! Apparently at the third house I went to, I had just missed the Pea by a hair's breadth... Since the Pea comes with the G and since, from personal experience, the G is usually cranky at such a late hour, I wasn't too disappointed hahahahaha Insomma a GREAT evening was had by moi, helped along with lots of mulled wine tee hee and a great start to the evening... Also glad to report that the nephews seemed in fine fettle... Lovely!
At 5:46 PM,
Toni Sant said…
Xi ħlew ta' pussy!
At 10:24 PM,
princess buttercup said…
*too full to talk properly* But yeah re: cat, found him on And really pleased you had a good time Sha! We watched some more dvd's after you left, ate more choccies and erm... fell asleep - not very exciting, but nice!
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