the domestiC AcTresS

Stay at home with the cats... or act on stage. My lifelong dilemma.

Friday, December 23, 2005

The First Annual Bloggy Awards

Yesterday evening will be forever remembered as the 'What Fun We Had!' evening. Yes, the Bloggers meeting was a phenomenal success. The food, company and conversation were all top-notch and the whole evening was, simply put, a buzz - mainly due to the amazing organisational skills of one Maltagirl who not only took it upon herself to book the venue (and order a scrumptious cake - yum!) and hassle to find a date when we were free, but also to organise the very first 'Bloggy Awards' whereupon all those present were awarded a very well-crafted 'B' (for Blogger of course!) in various categories, made by Maltagirl herself (ably aided by Little Sis).

I am proud to announce that I was awarded the 'B' for 'Best Guest-Blogger' - thank you very much everybody for your support! *wipes tear of emotion a la Halle Berry*. Robert got the 'Gieh il-Blogosfera' (I think that was what it was called) - a prize he truly deserves!

The arm-candy (ie) fiances and husband, did not go home empty-handed either as Maltagirl presented them with a lovely plaque entitled 'I love (heart) my Blogger' which I am going to stick on the wall in our study as a permanent reminder for the hubby, in the unlikely scenario that he ever forgets. By the way, the hubby himself has professed that he had a wonderful evening and thanks Maltagirl heartily for being "so kind and so nice".

Insomma, you bloggers who were in Malta and didn't make it - you missed out on a fantastic time AND a prize... so I suggest that you clear some time in your diaries for next year from now and make sure you attend the second evening/ceremony!


  • At 1:13 AM, Blogger MaltaGirl said…

    Thank-you *blush*

    I'm glad you both enjoyed it, because I certainly did too! I'm already plotting for next year's, muahahaha...

  • At 12:59 AM, Blogger david said…

    Jesus, Coryse - at this rate you'll soon be having a Eurovision Blog Contest. Just imagine the sheer excitement!

  • At 9:49 AM, Blogger princess buttercup said…

    Hee! Only if we can get terry Wogan to compere it though!


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