Tribute to Weirdness
As a tribute to Maltagirl and Hsejjes's recent posts, here are my top 6 weird attributes/habits (I say top 6 as I have waaay more than 6, I'm sure!)
- My shoes have to be aligned perfectly when I put them away.
- I know most people speak to their cats... but I sing to them (then they run away, miaowing).
- Like Maltagirl, I leave the food I like best for last on my plate.
- I talk to my computer. Thankfully, it hasn't answered back yet.
- I collect plastic bags for absolutely no reason whatsoever except that I like having a store of plastic bags just in case.
- Before every performance onstage, I have to do everything exactly the same (as far as I can). This has included, for example, sucking on the same type of lozenge, making sure the same person always does my make up and wearing the same pair of shoes while on the way to the venue.
At 4:21 PM,
Anonymous said…
REES ... MINE ARE THE SAME! ALL OF THEM!! i knew about most of them but the plastic bags???!?!?!? me tooooo !!!!!!! hehe
At 10:37 AM,
princess buttercup said…
*cue Twilight Zone music*. AGAIN!!!
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