the domestiC AcTresS

Stay at home with the cats... or act on stage. My lifelong dilemma.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

'General Hospital' has nothing on me...

'Vocal Aid' is on next weekend on Saturday at 7.30 pm and Sunday at 5 pm at the Mediterranean Conference Centre.

This is where hundreds of Stagecoach Malta students plus special guests such as Edward Mercieca and yours truly put up a great show in aid of charity. This year, proceeds wil be in aid of 'Dar Tal-Providenza'. And this year, the show also has the added bonus of having
Maltagirl and her fiance as two of the singers - yayayayay! So don't miss it!

And here's hoping I don't miss it! After a horrendous winter of horrible, yucky flu, I have now come out with what seems like hay fever. I have only ever had hay fever once in my life and that was 10 years ago. Maybe mine has a ten-year cycle as opposed to a yearly one? In any case, my nose is blocked, my throat is sore, i sneeze everytime I pass by flowers and, worst of all, I have lost my voice. I'm hoping that it comes back before next weekend or I am in big trouble. Oh, and I've come out with a really horrible and blistery heat rash on my hands. At least, I hope it's a heat rash. I'm also hoping it doesn't spread to anywhere else and I finish looking like
these guys (by the way - loved them last Saturday hehe). Oh well, if so, maybe it would guarantee Malta a place in the top ten at next year's Eurovision, right?!


  • At 9:49 PM, Blogger Coemgen said…

    Hope u get well soon. I know the feeling. My cycle of hay is two weeks affected, one free. yukk:))

  • At 9:53 PM, Blogger princess buttercup said…

    Thanks! Ajma miskin - I really commiserate - it's HORRIBLE!

  • At 11:31 PM, Blogger MaltaGirl said…

    I have suffered from bad hayfever since early childhood - you both have my sympathy! Flixonase nose spray taken morning and night now keeps me among that percentage of the population who are able to breathe through their noses :-)

  • At 1:21 AM, Blogger sharonspiteri said…

    You should compare notes with The Zemp. He has just broken out in a rash *lol* I told him it's because I'm coming in a week ... sheer fear and all that ahahahaahah Cor my goodness the countdown starts!! 8 days to go!

  • At 9:05 AM, Blogger MaltaGirl said…

    Prosit Reesa, I enjoyed your singing! Kemm taf tkanta... :-)


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