... and breathe!
These past 3 weeks have been, without a doubt, amongst the busiest of my life. I am EXHAUSTED! So many things to do, that it is only today that I have had a chance for a breather... and a few minutes to update my poor, neglected blog, while my hubby is watching some men in shorts kick a ball around a large pitch.
Maaaaa... how busy I've been! My life is hectic even when it isn't hectic (if you know what I mean!) But when I add 'extra' events, it really gets mad! It all started off with the Vocal Aid concert on the 27th and 28th May - what a great event to be part of! Honestly, watching circa 300 kids on stage singing in pretty perfect harmony is a wondrous sight to behold. Whenever I take part in Stagecoach concerts, I always feel priveleged to be part of the whole experience.
However, I must admit that I was most looking forward to hearing Maltagirl and her fiance sing their song - 'Love can build a Bridge'. I heard them for the first time at our first rehearsal... and they made me cry (in a good way!) because they were so cute - and they can sing! And then at the end of the song, they had a little kiss - awwww! When I watched the real thing at the side of the stage, I still had tears in my eyes. Insomma, a big prosit to them!
As soon as the Sunday performance was over, I rushed to the Manoel Theatre for a rehearsal of 'Don Giovanni' (the play version of the opera) where I was due to play Donna Elvira the following weekend. Of course, that led to a week of rehearsals every day with me grabbing a sandwich (if Iwas lucky) in between driving from work to another place of work to rehearsals. The play, which was in aid of the Malta Hospice Movement went well, in spite of a couple of mishaps in the costume department (totally my fault! And no, it wasn't a 'wardrobe malfunction' kind of thing hehehe!).
On the Saturday, after the performance, I had a coffee with a couple of theatre friends and then met Sha, the Pea and the Blonde plus other friends including Gedudu for a bite to eat and some good company at Labyrinth in Valletta, since Sha was here for a couple of days. Much fun was had by all, and the food (I had a mango chicken wrap) was yummy and very good value-for-money too! On the Sunday, we had a cast party at Buko which, while yummy, was not good value-for-money at all (i.e. horrendously expensive for what we got).
Then came rehearsals and performances of the Summer Soiree of the school where I teach. The Grade 8's and 9's were performing for family and friends at St James Cavalier theatre-in-the-round and, after months of ranting (by me), they gave a more than creditable 2 performances. Actually, some of my students exceeded my expectations! They were so good - in both drama and dance (someone else teaches them dance of course!) - that I was impressed. All in all, it wasn't like watching the usual school performance - these kids really entertained their audience! Even I enjoyed it (when I wasn't having kittens/growing more white hairs/starting up an ulcer every time they missed a cue - quite a rare occurence thank goodness!)
In the midst of all this genn, of course there was the Sting concert. I was working onsite so had to endure 2 and 1/2 hours of showing people to their seats (rather painful on the feet although, this year, I said: "to hell with fashion" and wore my tennis shoes!) But it was all worth it to watch Sting up close and I really, really enjoyed it! At one point during the concert, I realised that for the past 2 days, all I had eaten were 2 sandwiches and 2 yoghurts. So I had half a packet of Pringles and promised to eat some proper food later. But when I got home after the concert, I was too tired to eat and went straight to bed.
Wednesday was a holiday for most people but not me since I still teach on public holidays. Got home after work and wrote on the p.c. for a while. Then in the afternoon, I had my first real rehearsal for the upcoming MADC Shakesperian offering of 'The Merry Wives of Windsor' which I thoroughly enjoyed, except I'm not sure if I know how to act any more - we'll soon find out hehehe!
I woke up on Thursday feeling absolutely terrible. My head throbbed like mad, my sinuses were blocked, I couldn't see or talk properly, I had swollen throat glands and a horrible sore throat; I even had a bit of fever. My hubby decided exhaustion and lack of food were to blame. So I had an extra hour's rest (thank goodness, we both weren't working in the morning) while he prepared the biggest meal - full of protein and vitamins - I had ever seen. I got out of bed, gobbled it all up and felt miles better.
Today, Sunday, the headache is still somewhere at the back of my head and my sinuses are still blocked but it's all so much better thanks to lots of TLC. So the moral of the story is: no matter how busy you are, do take some time out and, most importantly - eat! Off I go for some coffee and biscuits - yum!
Maaaaa... how busy I've been! My life is hectic even when it isn't hectic (if you know what I mean!) But when I add 'extra' events, it really gets mad! It all started off with the Vocal Aid concert on the 27th and 28th May - what a great event to be part of! Honestly, watching circa 300 kids on stage singing in pretty perfect harmony is a wondrous sight to behold. Whenever I take part in Stagecoach concerts, I always feel priveleged to be part of the whole experience.
However, I must admit that I was most looking forward to hearing Maltagirl and her fiance sing their song - 'Love can build a Bridge'. I heard them for the first time at our first rehearsal... and they made me cry (in a good way!) because they were so cute - and they can sing! And then at the end of the song, they had a little kiss - awwww! When I watched the real thing at the side of the stage, I still had tears in my eyes. Insomma, a big prosit to them!
As soon as the Sunday performance was over, I rushed to the Manoel Theatre for a rehearsal of 'Don Giovanni' (the play version of the opera) where I was due to play Donna Elvira the following weekend. Of course, that led to a week of rehearsals every day with me grabbing a sandwich (if Iwas lucky) in between driving from work to another place of work to rehearsals. The play, which was in aid of the Malta Hospice Movement went well, in spite of a couple of mishaps in the costume department (totally my fault! And no, it wasn't a 'wardrobe malfunction' kind of thing hehehe!).
On the Saturday, after the performance, I had a coffee with a couple of theatre friends and then met Sha, the Pea and the Blonde plus other friends including Gedudu for a bite to eat and some good company at Labyrinth in Valletta, since Sha was here for a couple of days. Much fun was had by all, and the food (I had a mango chicken wrap) was yummy and very good value-for-money too! On the Sunday, we had a cast party at Buko which, while yummy, was not good value-for-money at all (i.e. horrendously expensive for what we got).
Then came rehearsals and performances of the Summer Soiree of the school where I teach. The Grade 8's and 9's were performing for family and friends at St James Cavalier theatre-in-the-round and, after months of ranting (by me), they gave a more than creditable 2 performances. Actually, some of my students exceeded my expectations! They were so good - in both drama and dance (someone else teaches them dance of course!) - that I was impressed. All in all, it wasn't like watching the usual school performance - these kids really entertained their audience! Even I enjoyed it (when I wasn't having kittens/growing more white hairs/starting up an ulcer every time they missed a cue - quite a rare occurence thank goodness!)
In the midst of all this genn, of course there was the Sting concert. I was working onsite so had to endure 2 and 1/2 hours of showing people to their seats (rather painful on the feet although, this year, I said: "to hell with fashion" and wore my tennis shoes!) But it was all worth it to watch Sting up close and I really, really enjoyed it! At one point during the concert, I realised that for the past 2 days, all I had eaten were 2 sandwiches and 2 yoghurts. So I had half a packet of Pringles and promised to eat some proper food later. But when I got home after the concert, I was too tired to eat and went straight to bed.
Wednesday was a holiday for most people but not me since I still teach on public holidays. Got home after work and wrote on the p.c. for a while. Then in the afternoon, I had my first real rehearsal for the upcoming MADC Shakesperian offering of 'The Merry Wives of Windsor' which I thoroughly enjoyed, except I'm not sure if I know how to act any more - we'll soon find out hehehe!
I woke up on Thursday feeling absolutely terrible. My head throbbed like mad, my sinuses were blocked, I couldn't see or talk properly, I had swollen throat glands and a horrible sore throat; I even had a bit of fever. My hubby decided exhaustion and lack of food were to blame. So I had an extra hour's rest (thank goodness, we both weren't working in the morning) while he prepared the biggest meal - full of protein and vitamins - I had ever seen. I got out of bed, gobbled it all up and felt miles better.
Today, Sunday, the headache is still somewhere at the back of my head and my sinuses are still blocked but it's all so much better thanks to lots of TLC. So the moral of the story is: no matter how busy you are, do take some time out and, most importantly - eat! Off I go for some coffee and biscuits - yum!
At 8:29 PM,
noel tanti said…
i thoroughly enjoyed the grade 8s performance but sadly i couldn't make it to the 9s... still, well done...
my favourite was the demokrazija playlet... from whence didst thou fish it?...
just in case you wrote it... wow...
At 9:07 PM,
MaltaGirl said…
Thanks Reesa! *blush*
Looking forward to watching your Vocal Aid performance(s) when the DVD comes out...
My goodness, you pack more into three weeks than most people do in three months. Maybe you should write a book on time management for us lesser mortals, lol.
Also, heh, it occured to me that one good thing about working office hours is that you get a regular lunch break ;-) When Mike was running around conducting interviews for his thesis, sometimes I used to give him cereal bars etc to keep in the car so that at least he ate SOMETHING, maybe that would work for you too.
At 10:30 PM,
Kenneth said…
Maybe you should write a book on time management for us lesser mortals, lol.
I second that.
At 10:45 PM,
sharonspiteri said…
Yellow sweetie... really good to see you... I see that while we were waiting for you at Labyrinth you were having a COFFEE with other people... pah! lol... and we waited for you to order... double pah! tchah! tut tut! and all that...
We have to get a proper girls' day out organised next time i'm there... i definitely am way overdue for a massage :)
At 10:47 PM,
sharonspiteri said…
oo btw i met maltagirl!!! hekk by chance at st james!!! and iiiiiiiiiii i wasnt having a coffee with pea behind your back *lol* i went there with a friend and it was a really bad choice because i met the pea, toni, chris and maltagirl while i was there and the poor friend did not get any quality time at all! pea help me out here because dammit we will suffer for this for the next 10 years!!! ahahahahahahahahaha!
At 12:52 PM,
princess buttercup said…
Sha - I knew about the meeting at St James. I have my spies. Mn'alla you told me it was a coincidence or you'd never have lived it down hehehe! MWAHAHAHAHAA! And I was having coffee with other people because my play finished early and I thought I'd be stuck at Labyrinth on my own waiting for you lot!!! ps: yay massage!
Nigredo - so glad you enjoyed it! The play was actually adapted by me Ias otherwise it would have been waaaay to long!) from the Maltese translation of a play called 'Us and Them'
Maltagirl - i DO keep cereal bars in my bags! usually coco pops! re: manual - am seriously thinking about it - will be a bestseller!
At 11:45 PM,
Anonymous said…
Really nice to hear from you again pupa! Good to hear that Chris is taking such good care of you. Indeed where would we all be without our spouses? I for one would still be at my mum's playing Playstation II. Hmmm... playstation...
At 9:05 AM,
Hsejjes said…
It was lovely to see your blog updated again. It is so good reading it, especially as between you and Maltagirl, you keep me up to date with what is happening in the theatre world, which I miss so much. Anyway, hope you get a well deserved rest. Maybe a holiday after Shakey?
At 1:54 PM,
princess buttercup said…
No prob Hsejjes and thanks! And yes, definately a holiday after Shakespeare - even if it's a few days in Gozo!
At 8:13 PM,
sharonspiteri said…
ha... few days in gozo indeed... and who will be taking care of my godsons pray? who you leaving them with these days eh? now that their favourite godmother is out of the country ... pshaw!
At 9:23 PM,
princess buttercup said…
Iiiiiiii... it's true. Can you come down for a few days in July to cat-sit?! Hehehe!
Ps: hi Mal!
At 8:13 AM,
Anonymous said…
I could do it. Once I cat-sat for da kween so you could ask her for a reference. As far as I recall the psychological damage inflicted on the cats in question was relatively minimal...
At 7:13 PM,
princess buttercup said…
Yes, Mal, I heard about the time you cat-sat. And no. Thanks for the offer, but no!
At 8:13 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hello, Do you know Denise Mulholland?
Are you in Malta?
Your Blog is hilarious, it's the first I've ever looked at and now I think I'll have to do it....
At 9:29 PM,
princess buttercup said…
hello anonymous, thanks for the comment! yes i am in malta and i do know denise... we both work for stagecoach and we are involved in a theatre company called MADC. are you a friend of hers?
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