It worked...
So it's over... 'Audacity''s run finished last Sunday. And what a journey it's been. I can honestly say that despite all the stress and hassles (especially during technical week), all the times I thought that I was mad, all the nights I woke up in a panic that no-one would come to watch the bloody thing... it WAS worth it. and it did really well. Practically everyone who came to watch the show said they liked, even loved, it! A success, one may say!
I am very proud of the whole team - actors, backstage people and - why not - I am also proud of me! For not panicking too much and for managing to have fun even as I was worrying and tearing my hair out. We managed to take a play and make it into something that was a hit and a blast. To quote the play itself: "It worked; it bloody worked!"Yes, it was a fun and learning experience for me and I hope to repeat it one day. Maybe in another 10 years' time... I need a break!
In the meantime, I will gaze at the bona fide script of 'Pulp Fiction' signed by one of my idols, Quentin Tarantino, that my fabulous cast and crew presented me with at cast party yesterday (I was so touched, I was speechless for perhaps the first time in my life) and remember the good times!
I am very proud of the whole team - actors, backstage people and - why not - I am also proud of me! For not panicking too much and for managing to have fun even as I was worrying and tearing my hair out. We managed to take a play and make it into something that was a hit and a blast. To quote the play itself: "It worked; it bloody worked!"Yes, it was a fun and learning experience for me and I hope to repeat it one day. Maybe in another 10 years' time... I need a break!
In the meantime, I will gaze at the bona fide script of 'Pulp Fiction' signed by one of my idols, Quentin Tarantino, that my fabulous cast and crew presented me with at cast party yesterday (I was so touched, I was speechless for perhaps the first time in my life) and remember the good times!
At 8:52 PM,
Anonymous said…
Indeed it did. You made us all proud pupa. I'd like to think that somewhere out there Mr Mawdsley is smiling in self-satisfaction while he tries to figure out what the heck he's going to do for a day-job.
At 2:22 PM,
Toni Sant said…
Not a bad idea: direct one play every 10 years. :-) Make your fans look forward to it and beg for more once every 10 years.
At 7:37 PM,
Giselle said…
I already commented on your MySpace, but I must tell you again about how much I enjoyed it. Michael was spying from behind the curtain and said that I had the most shocked expression at the 'spread her legs' line! hehehe...shocking really :P
At 9:22 PM,
princess buttercup said…
G sweetie... thanks so much for the comments! So glad you enjoyed it. Hehe re: legs comment! Although Michael shoud not have been spying from behind the curtain, naughty boy hehe! And Toni - indeed a great idea hehe!
At 10:45 PM,
MaltaGirl said…
Prosit, prosit! And a signed script? Surely that alone makes it all worth while ;-)
And here's a question for you then, cos I'm curious: if you could direct any play, which would you choose?
At 10:47 PM,
MaltaGirl said…
Previous comment was me, signed in with google by mistake *sigh*
At 11:38 AM,
princess buttercup said…
Hmmm... what play would i direct if i had the chance? probably 'Top Girls' by Caryl Churchill (but i'd have to be acting in it too!). i also recently read one called 'Hysteria' by Terry Johnson which cracked me up and, if done properly (with PERFECT casting), would be a hoot to direct.
At 10:27 PM,
MaltaGirl said…
I looked up the plays... you have - interesting - tastes *grin*
All the best for whatever you decide to do next!
At 1:32 PM,
Anonymous said…
Just seen this. So glad the play went well for you - nice to know it "travels". Would love to hear more about the production.
And yes, I am smiling in self-satisfaction (but still haven't worked what I'm going to do for a day job!)
Simon Mawdsley
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