1 down, 2 to go...
So one weekend of 'Audacity' is over. It went well... no major disasters. just a set which was was not quite what I expected but which was remedied by some lovely people quite quickly (thanks, lovely people); a quick crash course in lighting design by Chris Gatt, who laughed at my ignorance (in the nicest of ways) and who taught me a lot; a number of sound cue cd's which refused to work so my executive producer (yo wes!) had to make what seemed like 1 million copies; a screaming fit (the first one!) from the director (ie) me after a rather disastrous tech/dress rehearsal where my notes were longer than the play itself; some fluffing of lines and pieces of set being knocked over on first night - all stuff which I guess is to be expected.
But the feedback has been mainly very positive from the people who have watched the first weekend and I must say I am pleased with us, especially since I think we made miracles with some bits of the play. Yay us! Roll on the next two weekends...
At 5:33 PM,
Anonymous said…
Yey! Great stuff! Chia and I watching on saturday, can't wait!
Love you
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