'General Hospital' has nothing on me...

'Vocal Aid' is on next weekend on Saturday at 7.30 pm and Sunday at 5 pm at the Mediterranean Conference Centre.
This is where hundreds of Stagecoach Malta students plus special guests such as Edward Mercieca and yours truly put up a great show in aid of charity. This year, proceeds wil be in aid of 'Dar Tal-Providenza'. And this year, the show also has the added bonus of having Maltagirl and her fiance as two of the singers - yayayayay! So don't miss it!
And here's hoping I don't miss it! After a horrendous winter of horrible, yucky flu, I have now come out with what seems like hay fever. I have only ever had hay fever once in my life and that was 10 years ago. Maybe mine has a ten-year cycle as opposed to a yearly one? In any case, my nose is blocked, my throat is sore, i sneeze everytime I pass by flowers and, worst of all, I have lost my voice. I'm hoping that it comes back before next weekend or I am in big trouble. Oh, and I've come out with a really horrible and blistery heat rash on my hands. At least, I hope it's a heat rash. I'm also hoping it doesn't spread to anywhere else and I finish looking like these guys (by the way - loved them last Saturday hehe). Oh well, if so, maybe it would guarantee Malta a place in the top ten at next year's Eurovision, right?!